Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beyond My Expectations

What are your expectations for 2010?

Eph 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Many people at the beginning of a New Year like to make New Year’s resolutions. I must admit that I was one of those people a while back. Somehow, I just could not seem to stick to those resolutions. I had expectations but I really did not know if my expectations would actually be fulfilled. This is not so with God.

How limited we often are in our asking, thinking that God will not do some particular thing for us. The apostle Paul encourages us to pray and to trust God for the answer. God not only is able to do what we have asked but he is able to do exceeding; to surpass to go beyond any request to overcome and do anything. He is able to do abundantly; to overflow and to do more than enough. He is able to go above: to go over and beyond, surpassing any need, in all that we ask, or can even think. Imagine for a moment an answer from God that goes beyond what we can ask or think!

What are your expectations for 2010? That just when you think things are starting to look up the rug gets snatched from underneath you? Do you feel that nothing good is going to happen for you because it never does? Do you feel that this year will be worse than last year? Do you feel that you will never find someone to love you with no strings attached? Maybe you have a health concern and don’t feel that you can be healed or get any better because it’s something that has run in the family?

God stands ready to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think. That’s only part one. Part two says according to the power that worketh in us. What power? That is, the strength of his Spirit. The power that still worketh for the saints is according to that power that hath produced in them. Wherever God gives of his fullness he gives to experience his power. This power can be seen in the life of a believer who has been transformed from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. When we come to ask for grace from God, we ought to give glory to God. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus. The purpose of God answering prayer and in doing all this for us: that He might be glorified in the church through Jesus Christ.

All God's gifts come from his to us through the hand of Christ; and all our praises pass from us to him through the same hand. And God should and will be praised throughout all ages, world without end; for he will ever have a church to praise him, and he will ever have his tribute of praise from his church. Amen. So be it; and so it will certainly be.

Place your expectations into the Master’s hand. God can take a little and turn it into a lot… God Loves You and so do I…

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