Saturday, May 23, 2009

No Greater Love

No Greater Love
(Thank you for your Sacrifice)
St. John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” First, I would like to thank all the servicemen and women who place their lives on the line for our safety. You are loved and appreciated not just today, but everyday. To the family of those who have “fallen”, we are in prayer with and for you.

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day because it was a time set aside to honor the nation's Civil War dead by decorating their graves. It was first widely observed on May 30, 1868, to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War soldiers, by proclamation of General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of former sailors and soldiers.

Traditional observance of Memorial Day has diminished over the years. Many Americans have forgotten the true meaning of Memorial Day. Traditional Observances included; many people vsiting cemeteries and memorials. A national moment of remembrance takes place at 3 p.m. Eastern Time. Another tradition is to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff from dawn until noon local time. Volunteers often place American flags on each gravesite at National Cemeteries. Many Americans also use Memorial Day to honor other people who have died. In addition to remembrance, Memorial Day is also used as a time for picnics, barbecues, family gatherings, and sporting events. One of the longest-standing traditions is the running of the Indianapolis 500, which has been held in conjunction with Memorial Day since 1911.

It is not important who was the first in celebrating Memorial Day; what is important is that Memorial Day was established. Memorial Day is not about division. It is about reconciliation; it is about coming together to honor those who gave their all. This would help greatly to return the solemn meaning back to the day, and to help return minds and hearts to think upon the ultimate sacrifices made by those in service to our country. Just one day out of the year to honor our loved ones, our ancestors, our friends who died in conflicts and wars -- not to honor war, but those that died in those conflicts and wars. Whether or not we agree with the war in Iraq we still have family, friends and loved ones who are giving us the greatest gift of love by putting their lives on the line. We should love, support and pray for them each day.

This brings to mind a man, who laid down his life for mankind, Jesus. St. John 10: 11” I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep” Jesus did not die as a martyr; killed by men. He died as a substitute, willingly laying down His life for us. Jesus is the good shepherd and as with any good shepherd he cares for the sheep. He knows his sheep. He knows our nature. While all sheep are alike in their essential nature, each sheep has its own distinctive characteristics; and the loving shepherd recognizes these traits. One sheep may be afraid of high places, another of dark shadows. A faithful shepherd will consider these special needs as he tends the flock. He also knows our needs. As the shepherd cares for the sheep, the sheep get to know their shepherd better. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. They get to know Him better by listening to His voice (the Word) and experiencing His daily care. As the sheep follow the Shepherd, they learn to love and to trust Him.

Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want” Today as we remember those who have fought the good fight. Let us remember the ONE who laid down his life so that we could be reconciled back to the Father. If you do not know Christ as your personal savior Today is your day!!! The song says JUST AS I AM, without one plea, but that thou blood was shed for me, and that thou bidst me come to thee, O Lamb of God I come. Won’t you come ? Pray and invite the Lord to come into your heart and to forgive you of your sins. If you prayed this prayer, please contact me so I can send you some additional resources and to help you in your new walk and I would like to pray for you . And remember God Loves You and so do I…….. Pastor Tammy

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