Monday, July 20, 2009

Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business
“Letting go of the past and reaching forward to the future.”

If you’re like most people, you like being in control. You want things to happen according to your wishes and according to your timetable. But sometimes, God has other plans, and He always has the final word.

The enemy loves to use things of our past to stop us from reaching our future. Maybe you have done some things you are not proud of. Maybe some things happened to you that were outside of your control and left you emotionally incapacitated. You find it hard to love others. Maybe you don’t trust others and feel that people have a hidden agenda when trying to get close to you.

Perhaps someone you truly loved someone who, told you they loved you only to betray your love and confidence in them. Maybe it was a marital relationship and your spouse committed adultery. Now you find it hard to love or even trust again. Growing up as a child did you suffer abuse as a child only to grow into adulthood and promise that no one would ever hurt you in that way again?

If any of these things sound familiar you have unfinished business in your life and you need closure. The word of God tells us to forget the former things and do not dwell on the past. God does not want us looking at the past because he has such a wonderful plan for our future. The past is past and there is nothing that we can do about it. We cannot change it. The enemy would desire that we keep living in the past. But God always gives us a glimpse of our future. He said behold, I am doing a new thing, Shall it not spring forth.

Never underestimate the importance of closure. Through out our life, we have so many opportunities for closure and new beginnings. When we refuse to let go of the past we have unfinished business. We can’t have a fresh start without an end first. Life teaches us that we cannot experience a fresh start until we deal with the closure preceding it.

Many people minimize the importance and impact that real closure can bring. People talk about forgetting the past and getting on with their life. Closure is a mental physical and emotional process. If you are unable to trust, love or commit yourself, you need closure.

Some people have a whole string of broken relationships, because they underestimate the impact of closure. They never learned how to make a new beginning really work. It’s time to take care of any unfinished business so that you can move on with your life. We can remain angry and upset with people, which perpetuates the cycle of pain and heartache. Forgive others and forgive yourself. We must grow up spiritually to a place of surrender and rest in God. Come to terms with life and realize, it’s not my will but THY WILL be done. And handle your business!!! God Loves You and so do I…Pastor Tammy

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