Saturday, October 31, 2009

Enough is Enough

Numbers 11: 15 “If this is how you intend to treat me, do me a favor and kill me. I've seen enough; I've had enough. Let me out of here." (The Message Bible)

I have seen enough; I’ve had enough. These were the words of Moses, a man chosen by God to lead the children of Isreal out of the land of Egypt. This statement is made after hearing one complaint after another from the people. The people complained about their misfortunes and how life was so hard for them. In other words, they complained about their problems instead of praying to God about them. They complained about the lack of meat or the things that they did not have. We can all find things to complain about; let’s try and find some things to be thankful about.

Moses was a very meek man. The word meekness means strength that is under control. But sometimes, even the strongest person gets weak. After hearing the people continually complaining and whining, it began to affect Moses. Moses went to God and asked him why was he treating him this way? What did he do to deserve this? Why was all this responsibility on his shoulders? He began to rehearse to God what the people were saying to him. Finally, he said I can’t do this by myself, it is too much.

Perhaps today you may be feeling like Moses. You want to know what did you do to deserve what has happened? And where is God in the midst of all this adversity? God is always with us, his goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. Ultimately, we must all come to the conclusion that Moses did; I can’t do this by myself; it is too much. We need the Lord’s help to make it through each and every day. With the changes in our economy, the job loss, the stress in marriages and just the financial strain alone you may want to throw in the towel. You might even be saying enough is enough, but don’t quit.

When we complain to one another nothing is accomplished. But when we take our concerns, our dreams and desires to the Lord much can happen. Ps 62:8- Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. (niv) I want to encourage you today, to pour out your hearts before God.

Prayer can release our tensions in times of emotional stress. When we trust God to be our rock, salvation and defense it changes our entire outlook on life. Prayer will change things. True relief does not come when the problem is resolved because more problems are on the way. True relief comes from an enduring hope in God’s ultimate salvation.

Prayer: Lord I do not understand why you have allowed this trouble to beset me. I have exhausted all my possibilities for changing my situation and circumstances and found that I am powerless to change them. All things are not possible with man, but all things are possible with you. In the face of discouragement, disappointment and anger I choose to believe your word, that if God is for me who can be against me. It is with patient endurance, steady and active persistence that I run the race, the appointed course that is set before me. I know that if you bring me to it, you can bring me through it. I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. In Jesus name, AMEN…… God Loves you and so do I….. Pastor Tammy

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