Saturday, August 29, 2009

Confidence Equals Competence

Thought: Don’t throw your confidence away!!!

I can, I will, I must. The scripture says, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

“Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.” Unknown

The definition of confidence: full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing. There are two types of people confidence builders or confidence shakers.

Confidence is not set in cement. It is possible to lose it. Our choice of associates will have a tremendous bearing on our confidence level. If you are unsure of yourself a confidence shaker can do you in.

Confidence shakers see the negative side of everything. A confidence shaker can talk you right out of success. Maybe you wanted to become a doctor and you were told you are not smart enough; you don’t make the grades or even have the money to go to college. But you had a dream. When you buy into it the very thing that was helping you to become successful has now become your down fall.

Unfortunately the negative process can and does affect Christians. We all go thru periods of testing wondering if God can and will meet our every need. With a little discouragement from a confidence shaker we will begin to doubt his ability and our own. This can begin a downward spiral that ends in the pit of failure and frustration. Our confidence has not only been shaken, but it has been uprooted.

It is difficult for those who do not believe in themselves to have faith in anyone else. Self confidence breeds confidence in others. Why do we need confidence in ourselves? It gives us stability in every area of our life. Confidence equals contentment. Self contentment knows you have all you need for your present circumstances.

You may feel distress, you may even feel despair. You may feel press down, but you may never feel defeated. Paul says we have unlimited resources and when we say we can’t do something; we are failing to draw on the resources that Christ provided by his loving kindness.

Contentment is being confident that you can measure up to any test that you face because Christ has made that strength available within you. You cannot perform consistently in a manner that is inconsistent with the way that you see yourself. How do you see yourself today? Do you see yourself as confident and contented or do you see yourself insecure and worried?

Know that every time you start out you will have someone to remind you, you have not, you are not and you will never become. So surround yourself with confident people who believe in you and will encourage you to become your very best. I can, I will, I must. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…….. God Loves You and so I. Love Pastor Tammy

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